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Fuzhou, America is a 501c3 non-profit with a 100% volunteer-based team.

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Add Us on AmazonSmile

If you shop regularly on, consider switching to (the two sites are identical). By shopping on and selecting Fuzhou, America as your charity of choice, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to us, enabling us to provide further resources to you and our community.
** NOTE: You need to set up AmazonSmile FIRST on Desktop BEFORE the Mobile App. **
Here are the Desktop instructions. Check out the YouTube tutorial below

Step 1:  Sign in at Fuzhou America's personal AmazonSmile link and complete the instructions that pop up
Step 2: Download this Chrome extension which automatically redirects you to AmazonSmile
Here are the Mobile App instructions (Prime only). Check out the YouTube tutorial below

Step 1:  Delete + reinstall the Amazon app (or download for the first time)
Step 2:  Click on the app menu bar > [Settings] > [AmazonSmile] > [Turn on AmazonSmile]
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